Easy Sauerbraten
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Less than 10 ingredients this sauerbraten recipe is easy and takes less than half the time as the original recipe. It's delicious and perfect for serving to guests.
Recipe type: Main
  • 2 and ½ - 3 pounds pork loin
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 4 cups filtered water
  • 10 ounces plain unsweetened goat yogurt or kefir - Paleo diet try using coconut milk yogurt
  • 4 teaspoons nutmeg
  • 2 teaspoons garlic powder
  • 2 teaspoons onion powder
  • 2 teaspoons pepper
  • 1 and ½ teaspoons sea salt
  1. In large skillet brown all sides of the pork loin in the olive oil.
  2. Add seasonings, water, and yogurt and stir. I have used both yogurt and kefir in this recipe and they both work equally well. If you follow the Paleo diet you can try unsweetened coconut or almond milk yogurt instead. I have not tried it so I am not sure if you would be able to taste the coconut or almond flavor.
  3. Bring to a boil, cover, and simmer on low heat for 2 and ½ hours stirring occasionally.
  4. Put pork loin on platter and let cool for a few minutes before slicing. Pour sauce in gravy boat and serve.
Recipe by Thyme and Tarragon at https://thymeandtarragon.com/easy-sauerbraten/